Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Location, location, location!

I know, I know. 
I have not posted in FOREVER!
Truth be told, we have not made that much progress.
We made a few appointments at venues.
We only went to 2.
We absolutely loved the first place we went.
Just to cover our bases, we went to a second place.
Could not even compare!
So, our first place is our choice.
Are you ready?
We offically booked the day and put a down payment down for May 26, 2013.
It was a bit more expensive than we had been looking for, but we are going to trim our guest list down and keep it around 100. 

We are also looking at a few fun details that we might be doing to make our wedding super awesome! 

This is starting to feel real.
This was not the way that I had pictured me getting married as a little girl.
It looks like I may have done a few things out of order.
The thing is, this feels perfect.
It isn't going to be extravagant, but it is going to be completely ours.
I could not be happier with how things are going and the decisions we've made thus far! 

Now, to keep dieting to keep losing weight!


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