Tuesday, May 21, 2013

5 Days

5 days until the wedding.
7 days until I am on a massage table in my suite for the honeymoon.
Some random thoughts going through my head:
My bedroom looks like a party store gone wrong.
My living room is crowded with a giant cooler (left over from Ty's bachelor party) and a big cardboard box filled with shot glasses.
I look like a zombie because I can't sleep and then once I do fall asleep I have nightmares about the stupidest things.
I realized this morning that I could completely refurnish my entire apartment with what we are paying for people to eat and drink.
Ty is getting crabby and stressed.
I am getting anxious and giddy all at the same time.  It is very confusing.
I am not sure if we have luggage...
While packing this Friday, I will also be having Whimzy's teachers come over for her parent-teacher home conference.  Should be interesting.
I am seriously nervous about having all of this attention focused on me.
Whimzy has been wonderful the last few days and seems to know that I need cuddles. 
I get to do this crazy, stressful, expensive thing surrounded by the most amazing people to ever exist.
I really am marrying him.  Finally.
I have a crazy headache.
I still have to write the unity ceremony.
I am excited.  Don't get me wrong.
I am just overwhelmed and nervous.
Not nervous about marrying Ty, but about the actual event.
Murphy's Law!

Monday, May 6, 2013

20 Days

20 days until the wedding.
Less than 3 weeks.
Just saying....
Well, I made a huge purchase towards the wedding Friday night.  About $600 worth of random wedding odds and ends. 
Super excited to have them all delivered in the next two weeks!
I have a list of random thoughts that have occurred to me in the last couple of week:
*The things that I have to tell Whimzy are ridiculous.  For example: "Put your shirt down", "No, you cannot play with the potato until you put the ponies away".
*Less than 10% of what we are spending for the wedding will be of any use in 4 weeks.
*At this point, I am completely sympathetic to those people who decide to elope.  Skip all of the stress and go straight to the honeymoon?  That sounds almost perfect.
*We pierced Whimzy's ears this past weekend.  I thought she would be alot happier about it.  She seems like she couldn't care less.
*We watched a few hours of Star Trek: The Next Generation over the weekend.  It reminds me of my uncle and Jagee.  I used to sneak down to the basement and watch it with them when I was little.  It is just as amazing as I remember it.
*After a couple of drinks, I go all Ernest Hemmingway and think I can write, you should all be thanking me for my self-control on not writing a blog while intoxicated.  I totally understand why so many great writers were alcoholics, though.
*I have the worst craving for buttered white rice and Pizza Hut.  Not together, separate.  And no, I am not pregnant.
*I am nervous about the wedding.  Not nervous to marry Ty, but nervous about the actual event.  That will be alot of attention on a sober, anxiety-ridden me.  I see bad things happening.
*When did kids' movies go from just over an hour to 2 hours? 
*"Cricket-bugs don't wear shoes!"
*Ty and I are getting old.  During an "alone" dinner that we made after Whimzy went to bed, we discussed vacuum cleaners. 
*Did you know that a vacuum salesman is still a thing?  It is!
*My reading has taken a backseat to wedding, school, and sleeping. Oops.  I guess I will catch up later.
So, tomorrow is my birthday! 
26 is hitting me harder than 25...weird.
I plan on posting a thoughtful blog about the past year and how my life has changed and how I've grown.