Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Being Lazy

We have most of the big stuff picked out.  Still doing down payments, but we have the big stuff taken care of.

Now, I am stagnating.  I feel like it is so far away that I will have plenty time to do it.  Famous last words, right? 

So, I dedicated this evening to updating everything!  The website, my wedding planner, my blog...all of it.

Also, if I still have any energy left, searching for invite ideas, decor ideas, and searching for the best deals for Save The Date magnets.  Thinking I may just do the Walgreen's cards and put a magnet on myself, though.  Hmm...decisions, decisions.

On other notes besides wedding, I will graduate the Associate's program the end of this week!  WOOHOO!

Also, Ty just stood up in his friend, Ham's, wedding and I would like to stress how amazing he looked in his tux.  Cannot wait to see him on our day! 

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