Monday, August 27, 2012

Save The Dates and Pictures

We received our Save The Dates in the mail this last week!  And, it looks like we pretty much have the guest list finalized, just need to do some detective work to get a few addresses.  It is such a relief to finally get that all done and taken care of!
We also have an appointment with our photographer to look over the contract and book the date!  She is amazing and her prices are the best in the area! 
Check her Facebook page out:
The Bridal Show is coming up in a couple of weeks, too!  It looks like my aunt will actually be able to come, which is super exciting!!  Looks like it is going to be a girl's day with me, my aunt, my Maid of Honor, and Ty's sister.  Hoping I might get some Kopp's out of it while we are up in Milwaukee :D
Our second engagement photo shoot is coming up, too.  The first one that we had done for free to help a lady out with her portfolio fell through when the photographer stopped responding to emails and phone calls.  If I had paid, I'd be livid right now. 
Setting up our officiator this week, also.  Figured that is an important part that we haven't even really looked at yet, so we need to get on it!
Things are moving pretty quickly and this month is going to be a huge month for our planning!  Any advice for us?  Any fun stories that you have to share about your wedding planning?  Please, do share!!
More coming soon!

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