Thursday, April 11, 2013

A First

After a rough couple of very overwhelming days and anxious nights, I am feeling perky again today.
You know why?
I laid in bed last night, thinking.
And I fgured something out.
This is the first time in my entire life that there has not been any family conflict in my life. 
We are on good terms with everybody!
It is awesome. 
No worrying about what might happen at the wedding, or
having to stress out about people playing nice.
It just blows me away that my life has taken such a dramatic turn around in the last few years.
I am so happy that I am getting closer to my family, including my Dad.
I am so happy that I get to build a relationship with my in-laws and that I am entering such a huge family.
I am lucky to have such an amazing set of psuedo parents that are helping me with the wedding, Whimzy, and life in general. 
I am even going to be re-meeting my step-family in the next month or so.
A few years ago I would have never been able to guess that I would be so surrounded with family that I enjoy being around.
I am so glad that I was wrong.
And on an unrelated note, Ty just stabbed a My Little Pony balloon to death.
It was terrifying.

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