Tuesday, April 2, 2013

54 Days

As my wonderful Aunt pointed out to me today,
I have 54 days until my wedding.
54 days.
54 days until I become Mrs. Ty Christensen.
But also extrememly overwhelming.
I feel like there is still so much to do,
so much to think about,
so much to finish.
In 55 days, over a year of planning will be done.
I will have time to relax and I will be getting a 90-minute massage in front of a fireplace.
I just have to keep reminding myself that this is completely worth it.
This is my wedding. 
It symbolizes the relationship between Ty and I.
It symbolizes our love, and our lives together.
It is going to be perfect.
Deep breaths.
Take a step back.
Put things in perspective.

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