Thursday, December 6, 2012

Buying The Dress and Caramel Apple Cookies

Well, the dress is bought! 
It is green ;)
I could not be happier.
Gotta start working my arms out so I can look sexy in it! 
Plus, I got to hang out with my lovelies (well most of them!) last night.
It was perfect. 
Since the fiancee can see this, I am not posting pics of the dress!  Guess everybody just has to come to the wedding. 
So I mentioned Caramel Apple Cookies last week.  They were so good.
I know it is all crumbly, but I wanted to show the caramel inside!
So, this is the link that I got the recipe from:
Mine ended up being not quite as flat as the recipe's picture, but they were amazing.  Also, just a tip, warm them up in the microwave after they cool down and you want to eat them!  It makes the caramel all melty again :)
Oh, and I got the runners for the tables in the mail this week! 
They are amazing. 
Happy St. Nick's!!

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