Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Progress and Christmas Shock

First of all:  Merry Christmas!!!  And just in case nothing happens worth mentioning and I don't write another blog before: Happy New Year!
Christmas has come and gone. After weeks, possibly months of preparing, shopping, cooking, planning, wrapping, baking, and being excited; it is finally done and over with.
As enjoyable as my Christmas was, it felt a bit anti-climatic. 
Back to normal life without Holiday Cheer. 
On the bright side, now I can focus on wedding stuff!  I have a date picked out to go check out dresses for the bride's maids and am bugging Ty about going to look at tuxes.  I also plan on going to register VERY soon.
I also have plans on starting to get flowers for centerpieces and bouqets soon. 
Time to buckle down and get it all done!!!
And it looks like my honorary Mother-of-the-Bride and Maid-of-Honor are starting to plan the other wedding events, also!  Wedding Shower and Bacheloretter Party planning has officially started :)  Other than being very clear about what I do NOT want, they are pretty much taking care of those things without me. I have enough other stuff to worry about! 
And in other news....
I bought into one of those crazy diet plans that promises crazy results.  Don't laugh or lecture, I have to at least try.  We shall see....
Oh, and if anybody wants to donate money towards getting a 3-bedroom place so that Whimzy can have her own play room and we can have our living room back, just contact me ;)

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