Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Moving Along, Continued Awesomeness, and Getting Serious

Happy New Year!
2012 was a pretty amazing year for me, so I am not wishing for a new beginning or a better year this year.
That being said, this year is looking like it is going to be even better than last year was!  I am getting married this year!  I get to become Mrs. Ty Christensen this year and live out my fairy tale wedding surrounded by my favorite people. 
After some slow time regarding wedding planning, we are finally back on fast forward with our plans. 
We are registering this coming weekend and looking at tuxes, the invites are started, the appointment for the Bridesmaids and other VIP people dresses is made, and the Save The Dates finally went out.  I also started buying flowers and other decor stuff! 
It is starting to look like a real thing now, not just some far off event.
Also, today is the first day of my new diet program.  Can't wait to post some after pictures in a couple of months :)
I hope everybody is excited for the year ahead of them and is thankful for 2012!
I would post a fun pic of Whimzy jumping to illustrate how awesome life is right now, but I haven't uploaded it from my camera

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