Monday, January 14, 2013

Stupid Energy Shot

Cannot sleep.  My legs are all twitchy.  Could be because of that energy shot I took this afternoon...
Apparently I did not need anymore energy.
Actually, the last few days I have felt amazing and more motivated than ever to make my life run smoother and make myself a better person. 
I have some serious personality flaws that need working on, and the New Year is just the time to do it!  I seem to be doing a pretty darn good job, too. 
I am hoping that this sudden surge of energy has something to do with my change in eating habits, but until it lasts longer than a few days I am reserving my exuberance at the change.  No point in getting excited over a fluke!
I think Ty finally read some of the blogs.  Silly him.  I had to bug him for forever to get him to sit down and read them.  He didn't even comment on any of them!  Rude. 
So, I tried uploading a picture of Whimzy jumping for joy over how awesome life is, but my computer hates me and does not want me to succeed at anything, so that may have to wait. 
Okay, I should probably go try to crawl back in bed and get some sleep.  Another full day of awesomeness ahead of me in the morning. 

1 comment:

  1. I had to bug him for forever to Wedding Photography  get him to sit down and read them.
