Sunday, January 27, 2013

Pretzels and A Perfect Saturday

So, yesterday, I finally got around to making my homemade pretzels!
Here is the recipe that I used:
And here is the picture!
They did not turn out quite as pretty as the blog I got the recipe from suggested, but from Ty's face, they were yummy.
He ate them all within two sittings.
Nutritionally, the pretzels got a B- and came in at 161 calorie a serving (the recipe makes 8 servings) and the beer-cheese sauce came in at a D and 150 calories a serving (I figured that you could get about 10 servings out of a cup and the recipe makes 2 cups!).  They did take me a couple of hours to make, but I think it was worth it based on Ty's reaction.  We also have a ton of the beer-cheese sauce leftover to use for other stuff.
The second recipe I made yesterday was Ty's pepperoni pizza rolls to try to phase out spending money every week on frozen pizza rolls.  This was our first try to make bite-size pizza snacks. 
This is the link to the recipe:
And picture:
I just bought store bought marinara sauce to dip them in.  Ty liked them, but I am going to keep searching for different recipes until I find one that he absolutely loves.  Nutritionally, without the marinara sauce, these equaled out to a D+ and 276 calories a serving (Ty estimated that he will get about 12 servings from the recipe).  I also think that this recipe could be modified to add more healthy ingredients like mushrooms and veggies or even to change it to a philly cheese-steak roll with beef and sauteed green peppers with cheese.  Also, after making the pretzels, this was SUPER easy.  The only modification that I made was to use pre-made, pre-rolled pizza crust from Pillsbury instead of the rolls that the link suggests.  I don't have a rolling pin, so I had to think of something, and I think they turned out awesome. 
Yesterday felt amazing.  I got to sleep in, leisurely work on some school stuff, and then spend my afternoon cooking and my evening cuddling with my family and some alone time with Ty after Whimzy went to bed.  It was a perfect day. 
And today, I am grateful that I do not have to go outside in this crazy ice-rain thing that is going on outside and. 
I am going to be able to start eating some of my own recipes soon, so an increase of low-carb recipes is probably going to be hitting by next weekend :) 

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