Tuesday, January 29, 2013

An Actual Wedding Post

My posts lately have been very me-oriented.  Recipes, feelings, etc...
Well, there has been a lot going on wedding-wise so I figured I would use the time between laundry loads to update everybody!
For me it is crunch time!  Things have to be done, and they need to be done soon.  For Ty, I do not think crunch time happens until May sometime.  That being said, we are both on completely different stress levels right now.  Sometimes it is nice to have him sit me down and tell me to relax and that we have plenty of time, other times it drives me crazy because I feel like we have so much to do and "relaxing" is not on one of my 7 to-do lists.  This is the same guy who finished Whimzy's nursery barely two weeks before she was born and it caused me a great deal of heartburn.
I know everything is going to be fine, though.  I love him and in this type of situation I can really see how we balance each other out. 
We have our first counseling meeting with our officiator this Thursday.  Apparently we have a workbook that we need to work through.  I cannot wait to see how this works out.  I can see it being hilarious.  We have to check with him to make sure that he is okay with a few ceremony details we have picked out.  He is Baptist, so I am not sure how outside of the box he is comfortable with.  I am hoping that he approves everything that we have picked out because we have some pretty awesome stuff planned.  (Spoilers! *hope somebody gets the Doctor Who reference!)
Like I implied, we have our passages for the wedding picked out, as well as who is going to read them, and hopefully the Unity ceremony that we are going to be doing.  The passages, as well as the Unity ceremony, are all a little outside of the normal trodden path for weddings, but we are hoping that most of this wedding is! 
My lovely stationary Goddess, Amanda P, is hard at work on the invites.  They are amazing and I am so lucky to have a friend who is so talented and so generous to do this for us!
We have made some minor changess in what we want for decorations and have decided to go with minimal decor because of the awesome view that the room has.  We spend the extra money on the venue so that we could cut down on other areas, so it makes sense. 
We have almost all of the songs picked out for the ceremony and the reception.  Still waiting on some discussions with my "fathers" for the father-daughter dances, but I am excited to hear what they come up with. 
I think we made a few decisions about when we are going to open presents and when we are leaving for the honeymoon, also. 
My honorary Mother of the Bride, my MOH, and another bridesmaid are all hard at work planning the shower and the Bachelorette party, details are going to be forthcoming. 
We finished our Target registry this past weekend and it was a ton of fun, probably the least stressful part of the whole wedding-planning process. 
As always, any concrete details are posted on our website!  So, check it out often to keep up to date on what is going on. 
Thanks everybody for reading this, and for caring what is going on in this crazy head and life of mine.  I really appreciate everybody's support and love during this time and I am especially thankful for any of Ty's family who reads this.  I cannot wait to become a Christensen!
Love you!

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