Tuesday, January 22, 2013

More Pinterest Stuff

I made a few recipes today, mostly for Ty because of this stupid diet.
He buys PowerBars like there is no tomorrow and spends probably $10-$15 a week on them. 
So, I tried making homemade ones for him.
This is the link that I got the recipe from:
And here is the picture:
Ty likes them a lot.  He says that they are more filling than store-bought ones and they need a glass of milk to eat. I also doubled the recipe. I am probably going to make a batch a week and try experimenting with adding different things like chocolate chips, raisins, or maybe some other types of dried fruits.  The recipe ended up with a C- on my nutrition tracker with a total of 239 calories per bar.  With the recipe doubled, I got 10 bars out of it.  And, this recipe came out to under $3 for the entire batch. 
My second recipe was a way to spice up Ty's sandwiches a bit so he wouldn't get as bored and stray towards fast food or stopping at gas stations (gotta save up for the wedding!). 
Cheesy-Bacon Cornbread.
Here is the link:
And picture:
Ty loved it!  It was super easy to make, but next time I think I will add more bacon and maybe throw some cheese in the bread instead of just on top.  I bought enough stuff for two batches, so I might make this again next week.  There is probably going to be a bunch more bread recipes coming up.  The bread ended up with a B- on my nutrition tracker and 300 calories per slice.  I only had mini-loaf pans, so each of the mini loaves got 6 good-sized slices and I estimated that the recipe makes about 12 slices. 
Still have some pretzels with beer-cheese sauce coming up this week along with some croque monsieurs.  There should have been a Pizza Roll type snack, but Ty ate all the pepperoni, so that may have to wait til' next week.  If any of them are picture/share worthy, I will definitely post.
Oh, btw, I made brownies last night with "hidden" vegetables.  They sucked.  Not worth sharing except to say that you could definitely at least smell the broccoli.  Ick. 

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