Thursday, January 31, 2013

Questions and Preschool

Well, we started our couple's counseling today with our officiator.
He was really sweet and almost apologetic that the only workbook he could find was Christian.  We do not mind, I just have to find one of my Bibles for the questions that we need scriptures for.  We have a homework assignment!  I am actually excited about doing it.  Anything that brings Ty and I closer is okay with me.
Whimzy starts preschool the day after her birthday.  Already. She is going to be getting some speech therapy sessions while she is there, so hopefully she will be up to par in a few months.  I am excited and sad all at the same time.  Excited because we get to do all of the school stuff like buying supplies and getting her a first day of school outfit.  Not to mention that this means I get 3-4 hours a day, 4 days a week that I can get stuff done without worrying about Whimzy and Ty and I can have some time alone while the sun is still up.  Sad, because if she goes to preschool until kindergarten, then this is us saying that we aren't the only people in her life anymore.  Ty is upset because he is hardly going to see her during the week now, but we both understand how important this is going to be for her.  I can't wait to go school supply shopping for her and meet her teachers! 
I felt like the worst mom a little bit ago.  I had the worst headache and while I waited for it to subside, I basically threw a movie on tv, laid down with Whimzy, and fell asleep.  She stayed cuddling with me through the entire movie, so she wasn't getting into any trouble, but I felt fairly negligent.  My headache has diminished, though.  Thank God. 

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