Saturday, February 2, 2013

A Nothing Day

I am taking a day off of my 7 to-do lists.  Other than dinner, I have nothing that HAS to get done today.  In fact, I am consciously not doing anything that requires me crossing something off of a  list. 
I am laying on the couch and watching TV all day.
Tonight, I am going to put on comfy pj's, and watch movies with Ty. 
I am not going to clean anything.
I am not going to make Whimzy wear matching clothes.
I am not going to worry about school.
I am not going to care that the kitchen needs a good wiping down.
I am not going to look at my calendar.
I am not going to order anything for the wedding or Whimzy's birthday.
I am not going to run errands.
I am not going to take the "Pin the Poop on the Elephant" game off of my door. 
I am not going to worry about what I could be doing.
I am not going to think of today as wasted. 
I am not going to do anything that requires brain power.
I am going to enjoy not worrying.
I am going to enjoy how comfortable my couch is.
I am going to enjoy the heck out of the steak that is waiting for our dinner.
I am going to fill my head with useless knowledge that only TV can provide.
And you know what? 
It feels amazing.
Tomorrow, I have a game plan.  Tomorrow, I will finish my to-do list.  Tomorrow, I will cook and clean.
But not today. 

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