Sunday, February 17, 2013


Those important moments that make life worth it....
That moment when....
I get to teach my daughter how to cook in the pot that my Nana taught me how to cook in
 I completely forget what I was in the middle of doing because he kissed me.
I looked up and saw Whimzy pushing her baby doll around in its stroller and it is wearing a pair of Whimzy's flip-flops. 
I realized that my wedding dress is in Whimzy's favorite color.
I am completely capable of forgiveness, and I realized it in a single conversation.
I missed a party to stay home, and I don't regret it.
I realize that people have requested to be in classes with me so that they can work with me.
I am planning my wedding bouqet with my aunt.
I get a long hug from my uncle.
I still have a drawn elephant on my door because it reminds me of a good night.
I get to dive into a new book that I have been looking for for years.
It finally sunk in that I get not only my Ty, but two brothers and a sister out of my marriage.
Just wanted to share some of the positive moments I have experienced in my life lately

1 comment:

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