Wednesday, February 27, 2013

A Challenge Just For Me

Everything I do has undercurrents of wanting to make other people happy.
Cooking and doing a recipe binder? Well, I am providing healthy, yummy food for my family.
Going back to school?  Trying to provide a better life for Whimzy and a happy life for me and Ty.
Granted, I love cooking and school, but the reasons that I am doing them are not completely selfish.
I decided to do something that has no impact on anybody besides me.
I took a reading challenge on
One of my bridesmaids decided to do it, so I decided to go ahead and do it, too.
My goal is super ambitious, 200 books in 1 year.  It equals out to a book every other day.
I don't think I am going to make it.  I am already 25 books behind schedule.
Still going to try, though.  And you know what? It feels amazing to do something that is just for me.
Instead of crawling back into bed with Ty when Whimzy goes to school, I will read.  Instead of playing games on Facebook, I will read.
I will keep a book in my purse at all times. 
I am going to do this, and I am going to enjoy doing it.
Finally, a challenge that is not going to stress me out.
Unlike the challenge of keeping up with laundry, dishes, and vacuuming....

1 comment:

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