Thursday, March 7, 2013


I know.  I haven't been writing very much.
This past week I have been sick and Whimzy has been sick.
Last week I was a bundle of anxiety attacks and depressing thoughts.
Well, today I have to join the real world again and get Whimzy off to school, clean the apartment, catch up on school stuff, and then head up to Milwaukee with one of my bridesmaids to buy her dress for the wedding!
As far as wedding planning has been going, not much has happened.
I am waffling on what I want the centerpieces to be.
I am being a pain and I need to get this taken care of ASAP so that I can start making them!
Also, I haven't even started the Thank You cards from Whimzy's birthday party.
Hopefully I can work on those on Sunday.  Along with starting to address envelopes for wedding invites.
I pretty much just want to sleep and ignore my growing to-do list until I don't feel like the mucus family is reproducing in my chest. 
Oh, well.
This is what being an adult is about. 

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