Sunday, March 24, 2013

A Few Things

I know, I have not been very good at this lately.
I have not updated anything!
Honestly, I have just been super overwhelmed and barely treading water with a lot of stuff. 
Things are moving along!  My wonderful MOH and almost-mom were addressing bridal shower invites this evening, we got my Dad #1 and Dad #2's tuxes, I got my tiara, I have picked out most of my jewelry, and it looks like the invites are going out this week!
The tiara:
I have been told that it looks better in person :)
Ooh, and I bought my shoes!  They should arrive any day now! I wanted white, glittery, wedge heels.  Unfortunately, I could not find any.  I ended up with silver, glittery, wedge heels.  Guess my rehearsal dinner dress has to be white now! 
The silly thing?  I am not overwhelmed with worry that Ty isn't the one or anything like that.  I just have this deep anxiety that once things go well, it is inevitable that they are going to go bad very quickly.  It keeps me up at night, sometimes. Imagining all of the terrible things that could happen...drives me a bit crazy.
But anyways...
We had a wonderful weekend and we got to spend some time with Ty's mom and then with my family.  It is really nice to not have any strife on either side!  Not only was spending time with my family awesome, my uncle looked at our car to make sure that we won't die driving it while it made a sound that sounded like a gateway to hell was opening inside of our front passenger tire. We won't die, or be sucked down to Hell, hopefully.  I love Ty, but he just isn't very handy when it comes to this stuff.  I hope he picks some stuff up from my uncle!
Whimzy is loving school and she is talking more and more each day. Singing more and more each day, too!  I am hoping she ends up with a better voice than me ;)  We planted flower seeds in some pots last week, but I am doubtful about their survival because of Whimzy's ideas of ponies playing in dirt lately.  Poor seeds. 
Also, I am a terrible mother.  There are at least a million egg hunts going on in my area and I do not have any concrete plans to take Whimzy to any of them. It might be fun, or it might be a bunch of baby hellions in below freezing weather in the middle of a field.  The rewards just aren't outweighing the risks for me... Maybe we will do our own hunt. 
Ah, well, that is life.  I will try to keep things updated more.
If I don't, please go ahead and call or contact me if you want to catch up!

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