Thursday, March 7, 2013

Alone Time

Let me preface this post with a disclaimer:
I love Whimzy.
I love being a mom.
I wouldn't trade it for anything.
That being said, today was the first day that I got to stay at home and clean while Whimzy was at school.  Due to the various snow and sick days since last week, she has been home 1/3 of her school days and those other days I had stuff I had to take care of outside of the apartment while she was at school.
It is so much easier to clean when she isn't underfoot! 
Granted, I am not moving quite as fast as I normally do because I am still getting over being sick, but wow!
So much quieter and relaxed.
It was a breeze to clean. 
No little person taking out a pile of toys just as I put one away, or getting crumbs all over the carpet right after I vacuumed, or spilling juice on the newly cleaned floor. 
It was amazing.
Now, she should be on her way home any minute now and I am sure that she will make up for lost time with a vengeance....

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