Monday, March 25, 2013

Doctor Who, Socks, Shoes, and Optimism

Ty warned me that if I said "caffeine and optimism" again, I was going to give him an aneurysm, so I had to come up with an alternate title for this post.
I know I said yesterday that I was having trouble coming up with stuff to write about, but after reading an article in Entertainment Weekly that corresponded to a recent purchase I made and a delivery from David's Bridal, I have A LOT more to say!  Oh, and an energy shot.  That may have also helped ;)
First off, I am obsessed with Doctor Who.  My living room walls are covered in art specific to the show, my funny bridal shirt is going to have a Doctor Who theme, and I am willing to actually spend money on merchandise.  I recently purchased a set of Doctor Who socks, a mini figurine, and a shirt.  
I also recently received the new EW Doctor Who issue in the mail.  50th anniversary!!  Woo-hoo!  I am seriously so excited and am feeling kind of loser-ish because of my obsession.  But, honestly, whatever. 
So, I am not sure if this paragraph had a point...
Woo-hoo energy shot!
Second off, I got my wedding shoes in the mail today!  They are perfect!
Definitely am going to be buying another pair of wedges to practice walking in, because I will stumble down the aisle if I don't get used to walking in them. But they are gorgeous!  Totally me! 
So, I have an entire apartment to clean, an essay to write, and a couple recipes to take care of.  I am giving myself 3 days, including today, to finish it all up. Well, except for the essay, which is due tonight. 
I can do this, and I am going to rock it and enjoy life again.
I refuse to let my anxiety rule me and my life.

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