Monday, February 25, 2013

Feeling A Bit Bi-Polar

Whimzy started school today.
She ran off after saying "bye" without a glance backwards.
I cried.
It was bittersweet watching her gain her independence and not need us.
I cried all of the way to the grocery store.
Then, a wonderful thing happened.  Ty and I were in and out of the store in less than a half hour.  We got to eat lunch and enjoy talking to each other.  We got to come home and relax in a quiet apartment.
I miss my Whimzy.  I am sad that she is growing up.
I wish she could still be my little baby.
But since she has to grow up, I am going to enjoy my extra Whimzy-free time and try to appreciate her more when she is home. 
And now we get to go pick her up and hopefully she runs up to us with a big hug and missed us :)

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