Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Tuxes, Men, and Feeling Like a Girl

We picked out the tuxes for the wedding this past weekend!  They are pretty epic, if I may say so myself.
Ty's is a super dark purple with a green (matches my dress!) shirt and bow-tie.
The groomsmen tuxes are a light grey with an emerald colored shirt and a lavender bow-tie!
 Ty and his tux!
The guys' tux!

The shirt and bow-tie!
When I picked out my dress, it took 3 trips to 2 different bridal stores, and each trip lasted at least an hour.  When we went for my bridesmaids' dresses, it took us 2 hours and a trip up to Milwaukee.  I tried on at least 20 different dresses and my ladies tried on at least 5 each.
When we picked out tuxes, we went to a single place, and it took us less than 45 minutes to pick out not only Ty's, but the guys' tuxes!  He tried on a single suit and it fit him almost perfectly.
What the heck? Why is that so unfair? I see a similar thing happening on the morning of the wedding while we spend 7 hours getting ready and the guys take a half hour.
In other news, I feel like such a girl right now.  All I want to do is curl up with a cheesy romance novel, comfy pants, and cry at soup commercials.  I have no idea where this sudden bout of estrogen is coming from, but it is making me less productive because I am getting emotional over everything.  Hoping it is gone soon, I don't have time for this! 

1 comment:

  1. It's because guys are only ever 20 minutes from dashing. Which also means we are only 20 minutes from completely wrecked too. Whereas women take a lot longer to be made into peak beauty, but stay pretty for HOURS.
