Thursday, February 7, 2013

A Recipe of My Very Own!!

I made a few recipes this past week, but none of them pretty or good enough to share.  I put their pictures up on my Facebook in my recipes folder if anybody still wants to check them out.
But, the one that I am really proud of at the minute is my homemade chicken nuggets!  I have made chicken nuggets before, using cut up chicken breasts and they were mediocre.  They just did not satisfy my craving for chicken nuggets because they just tasted like breaded chicken breasts. 
I had a pound of ground chicken that I bought for second phase of my diet, but I figured that I needed to do something productive on our snowy day, so I took it out and kinda' winged it. 
So, here they are!  (And it is going to have a recipe, my very own recipe!)
Look good?  Well they are!  I used a different breading for mine because of my strict diet, but Whimzy is loving hers with the regular panko breading!
Chicken Nuggets with Ground Chicken
1 lbs. ground chicken
3 eggs, beaten
2 cups panko bread crumbs
1 cup flour (I used whole wheat flour)
non-stick spray
Seasonings (I used sea salt, garlic, and pepper)
  • Pre-heat oven to 375*.
  • Spray baking sheet with non-stick spray.
  • Coat bits of ground chicken in flour, then eggs, then the bread crumbs.
  • (I ended up with about 16-20 nuggets)
  • Place on baking sheet.
  • Repeat until the pound of chicken is finished.
  • Bake for 30 minutes.
  • Flip the nuggets over.
  • Bake another 15 minutes.
It is a bit tedious, and the chicken does tend to fall apart a bit, but totally worth it.  I ran the recipe through my nutrition tracker and it ended up with a "B" (not too shabby), and 227 calories per serving.  I figured the recipe made about 5 servings. 
Whimzy totally scarfed them down and they satisfied my craving for chicken nuggets! 
Hopefully I will be posting some more of my own recipes soon.  I am going to make salmon in a couple weeks, and we are trying cod this week.
I am also planning on making some bread and a few other recipes. 
If anybody tries these, leave a comment!  I want to know if the recipe works for anybody else.  Not exactly a pro at writing recipes.

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