Saturday, December 1, 2012

Mommy Needs A Nap

I was really tired last night, but we had a few friends over.
My MOH and a bridesmaid discussed my bachelorette party.
It got late.
Finally, I was ready to hop in the bathtub and pass out pleasantly next to my Ty.
The bathtub faucet wouldn't turn off. 
The part that controls the temperature and flow of water was broken.
We got it down to a trickle, but I was making a 1am phone call to my landlord.
He did not pick up, so we had to sleep right across from the bathroom with the bathtub running.
I did NOT sleep well. 
At all. 
The landlord came and looked at it, sort of fixed it, and is sending his handy man within the next few days to really fix it. 
Freakin' A.  Just weird.
So other than that, Ty's work flew Santa in a helicopter. to the warehouse today to see all the kiddies and have breakfast.
Whimzy was way more impressed by the helicopter than Santa.
So here are two of my three Pinterest projects from this week:
1.  The Christmas List ornament.  Note to self: put the little stuff in before the list, otherwise you cannot see the little stuff. 
I cannot find the link anywhere!  If anybody has it, just let me know so I can give due credit.
2.  Cream Cheese Brownies.  Amazing! Really made me want to make cheesecake. 
I also made Caramel Apple Cookies, but I don't have pictures yet.  Hopefully by tomorrow :)
Other than my awesome Pinterest stuff, I am feeling pretty good. 
Holiday stuff is going really well, wedding plans are going along. 
Right now, I honestly just need a nap, though. 
Hoping that the ribs in the slow-cooker will be an easy dinner and I can relax for the rest of the night. 
Happy weekend everybody!

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