Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Speech Therapy and Hectic Holiday

So, I know.  It has been awhile. 
I try not to post if I don't have anything interesting to say.
And besides, it has been insanely busy.
It seems like every single day there is something going on that requires a good chunk of time.
School has been pretty crazy, too.  My team is not the most cooperative group of people that I have ever worked with. 
I am hoping that next week slows down a bit.  I could use a bit of a break after Christmas.
Whimzy starts her group speech therapy today. Ty and I are both going to see how it works and to try to help as much as we can.
Wow.  I have so much to talk about, buy my brain is not working like it should.
Well, maybe in a bit I will write something more interesting or at least better written.
For now, I will just go take some Tylenol and get ready to get going.

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