Thursday, March 28, 2013

*happy dance*

This post is actually all about wedding stuff!  Woo-hoo!
First of all: I went in and got my dress fitted today for final alterations. I am not allowed to lose any more weight because otherwise the dress won't fit me!  Oh, and the cute little skirt that goes with the dress that I can change into that didn't fit me before?  It fits me now! 
 The Bridal Shower invites are out and let me tell you, they are adorable!  I have such amazing bridesmaids and almost-mom!
I have a ton of information being posted for everybody involved in the wedding! I mean, like we need to get these details nailed down ASAP!
It is less than 2 months away *deep breath*
Only 8 weekends until I say "I do.."
*deep breath*
No, not cold feet, just excitement and a bit overwhelmed.
Just so everybody remembers, the hotel discounts for the wedding end on April 26th. 
Wedding invites are going out this next Monday! 
Song lists are mostly picked.  Still have to spend some time on them with Ty and finalize a few things, but yeah...
Omg.  So much adreneline is going through me right now!
Not to mention that I am seriously floating on Cloud 9.
I need to come back down to earth and spend some time on regular life
Okay, that is enough for now!  I need to calm down and return to real life...

Monday, March 25, 2013

Doctor Who, Socks, Shoes, and Optimism

Ty warned me that if I said "caffeine and optimism" again, I was going to give him an aneurysm, so I had to come up with an alternate title for this post.
I know I said yesterday that I was having trouble coming up with stuff to write about, but after reading an article in Entertainment Weekly that corresponded to a recent purchase I made and a delivery from David's Bridal, I have A LOT more to say!  Oh, and an energy shot.  That may have also helped ;)
First off, I am obsessed with Doctor Who.  My living room walls are covered in art specific to the show, my funny bridal shirt is going to have a Doctor Who theme, and I am willing to actually spend money on merchandise.  I recently purchased a set of Doctor Who socks, a mini figurine, and a shirt.  
I also recently received the new EW Doctor Who issue in the mail.  50th anniversary!!  Woo-hoo!  I am seriously so excited and am feeling kind of loser-ish because of my obsession.  But, honestly, whatever. 
So, I am not sure if this paragraph had a point...
Woo-hoo energy shot!
Second off, I got my wedding shoes in the mail today!  They are perfect!
Definitely am going to be buying another pair of wedges to practice walking in, because I will stumble down the aisle if I don't get used to walking in them. But they are gorgeous!  Totally me! 
So, I have an entire apartment to clean, an essay to write, and a couple recipes to take care of.  I am giving myself 3 days, including today, to finish it all up. Well, except for the essay, which is due tonight. 
I can do this, and I am going to rock it and enjoy life again.
I refuse to let my anxiety rule me and my life.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

A Few Things

I know, I have not been very good at this lately.
I have not updated anything!
Honestly, I have just been super overwhelmed and barely treading water with a lot of stuff. 
Things are moving along!  My wonderful MOH and almost-mom were addressing bridal shower invites this evening, we got my Dad #1 and Dad #2's tuxes, I got my tiara, I have picked out most of my jewelry, and it looks like the invites are going out this week!
The tiara:
I have been told that it looks better in person :)
Ooh, and I bought my shoes!  They should arrive any day now! I wanted white, glittery, wedge heels.  Unfortunately, I could not find any.  I ended up with silver, glittery, wedge heels.  Guess my rehearsal dinner dress has to be white now! 
The silly thing?  I am not overwhelmed with worry that Ty isn't the one or anything like that.  I just have this deep anxiety that once things go well, it is inevitable that they are going to go bad very quickly.  It keeps me up at night, sometimes. Imagining all of the terrible things that could happen...drives me a bit crazy.
But anyways...
We had a wonderful weekend and we got to spend some time with Ty's mom and then with my family.  It is really nice to not have any strife on either side!  Not only was spending time with my family awesome, my uncle looked at our car to make sure that we won't die driving it while it made a sound that sounded like a gateway to hell was opening inside of our front passenger tire. We won't die, or be sucked down to Hell, hopefully.  I love Ty, but he just isn't very handy when it comes to this stuff.  I hope he picks some stuff up from my uncle!
Whimzy is loving school and she is talking more and more each day. Singing more and more each day, too!  I am hoping she ends up with a better voice than me ;)  We planted flower seeds in some pots last week, but I am doubtful about their survival because of Whimzy's ideas of ponies playing in dirt lately.  Poor seeds. 
Also, I am a terrible mother.  There are at least a million egg hunts going on in my area and I do not have any concrete plans to take Whimzy to any of them. It might be fun, or it might be a bunch of baby hellions in below freezing weather in the middle of a field.  The rewards just aren't outweighing the risks for me... Maybe we will do our own hunt. 
Ah, well, that is life.  I will try to keep things updated more.
If I don't, please go ahead and call or contact me if you want to catch up!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Yes. This Is IT.

This is how a healthy, wonderful relationship feels.
Every time I get used to the feeling, something happens to remind me of how wonderful it really is.
I have been having anxiety issues again.  Attacks and just a general feeling of being overwhelmed and afraid.  For absolutely no reason. 
I am trying to deal with it. 
Sometimes, it gets the better of me, though.
This morning, even though I kept him up late, Ty woke up for a bit to hold me and reassure me that everything is okay and that he loves me.
He let me lay on his heart and use it to calm down.
Then, he spent over an hour going over counseling homework for our wedding while Whimzy was at school.  It was wonderful.
We are on the same page for so many things and we want the same things out of life. 
And, I got to crawl back into bed with him this morning after I dropped Whimzy off at school.  It was blissful and I could not imagine a better feeling in the world.
Between him and Whimzy, I must be the luckiest person in the world.
This amazing man choses to love and be with me.
I am damaged and sometimes it shows, but he choses to help me heal and move forward.  And he choses to move forward with me.  He choses to take care of me when I need it and gives me strength when I don't know how I am going to handle myself.
I am going to marry him, and it is going to be the best decision I have ever made. 
I am going to hold on to him for the rest of my life and make sure he never regrets deciding to love me.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Alone Time

Let me preface this post with a disclaimer:
I love Whimzy.
I love being a mom.
I wouldn't trade it for anything.
That being said, today was the first day that I got to stay at home and clean while Whimzy was at school.  Due to the various snow and sick days since last week, she has been home 1/3 of her school days and those other days I had stuff I had to take care of outside of the apartment while she was at school.
It is so much easier to clean when she isn't underfoot! 
Granted, I am not moving quite as fast as I normally do because I am still getting over being sick, but wow!
So much quieter and relaxed.
It was a breeze to clean. 
No little person taking out a pile of toys just as I put one away, or getting crumbs all over the carpet right after I vacuumed, or spilling juice on the newly cleaned floor. 
It was amazing.
Now, she should be on her way home any minute now and I am sure that she will make up for lost time with a vengeance....


I know.  I haven't been writing very much.
This past week I have been sick and Whimzy has been sick.
Last week I was a bundle of anxiety attacks and depressing thoughts.
Well, today I have to join the real world again and get Whimzy off to school, clean the apartment, catch up on school stuff, and then head up to Milwaukee with one of my bridesmaids to buy her dress for the wedding!
As far as wedding planning has been going, not much has happened.
I am waffling on what I want the centerpieces to be.
I am being a pain and I need to get this taken care of ASAP so that I can start making them!
Also, I haven't even started the Thank You cards from Whimzy's birthday party.
Hopefully I can work on those on Sunday.  Along with starting to address envelopes for wedding invites.
I pretty much just want to sleep and ignore my growing to-do list until I don't feel like the mucus family is reproducing in my chest. 
Oh, well.
This is what being an adult is about. 