Thursday, November 8, 2012

Candy Distraction and the Possibility of Me Raising an Alien

I am going to start this post off with something positive. 
Since Halloween, my little monster has been a candy fiend.  She knows where the left-over candy bowl is and what is in it.
I tried putting oranges over the candy to fool her and she is way too smart for that.
So, this afternoon Ty had already given her a box of Dots for a snack and after he left, she wanted more.  I said "no."
And then I gave her grapes.
She ate them! 
Not only did she eat them, she actually sat down to enjoy them at the kitchen table.
Miracles do happen!
On a less positive note, I have been having fears lately that Whimzy is not my child.  She has to be a government experiment to see if a woman can surrogate a child without knowing it isn't theirs or she is an alien implant.
How could this be, do you ask?
She destroys books.
Full out DESTROYS!
She ripped the cover off of a book I was reading earlier this week and then spilled fruit punch all over my 20-year old copy of "Call of the Wild".  *sigh* I was so certain that my love and respect of books was so strong that it would be transferred genetically to her. 
Not so much.
Before I get a barrage of "but she is 2, that is what toddlers do", and ways to train her not to do it....I know.
I totally get it. I have to teach her to love and respect books. 
We are working on it. 
She already loves them, I just have to teach her that she can't rip them or try to teach them to swim in fruit punch...
Still...there is a possibility that she is an alien.

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