Sunday, November 18, 2012

Taylor Swift, Cardio, PMS, and Holiday Spirit

Taylor Swift's mini-series thing "Road to Fearless" is on Netflix. 
I am apparently PMS'ing because it is making me tear up like crazy.
I love that woman but she always makes me cry.
So, in order to tackle my anxiety without meds, I have to start doing cardio.
Alot of cardio.
Which, normally makes me have an I pretty much have to be willing to have an anxiety attack to 4x a week to get rid of all of the anxiety if I want to do this without pills.
It is going to be hard. 
Super hard.
Probably going to need support, mostly from myself.
When I would normally do cardio is when Ty isn't available for his normal cheerleading when it comes to this aspect of life.
So, it is just me, and maybe Whimzy.
I can do it.
I have to.
To make myself happier, to make me a better person, and be a better mom, fiance, friend, and overall better person.
Also, it is HOLIDAY SEASON! 
It feels so nice to be excited instead of dreading it.
I cannot believe how much my perspective has changed.
Thank you, Whimzy ;)
Can't mess her idea of Christmas up with my freakin' issues! 
Well, I need to go put pants on Whimzy.
Seems to be an issue alot.

1 comment:

  1. I love your for the cardio thing anytime you want to we can walk together or something. Maybe this winter sometime we can take whimzy to the Y and go swimming. Your right though you can do it and i'll be around to help!! XOXO
