Sunday, November 25, 2012

Holiday Spirit and BBC

I put aside all day yesterday to do Christmas decorating.
Including bringing the boxes up from the basement and then bringing them back down afterwards, it took about an hour.
Tree up, decorated, and the rest of the decorations up.
Still, it looks pretty nifty and completely reflects my little family.
A bunch of decorations are Nana's, but we are slowly building up our own collection. 
Our stuff is glittery and un-traditional.  I love it. 
And, I just got done wrapping round 1 of presents.  I need a few more boxes for some of them, because they are so oddly shaped.
I also started watching Merlin on BBC tonight.  BBC sucks me in once again.
On a more emotional note, even though this is the second Christmas that I have been able to truly enjoy the season, it still surprises me that I am enjoying it. 
I am so lucky that life has given me a chance to actually enjoy it. 
Whimzy is going to know the true meaning of family because of my second chance!
Well, off to engross myself in more British TV.

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