Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Crash Diet and My Mom

First of all, I am FREAKING HUNGRY!
I am doing this 7-Day Detox/diet thing with Angela.  I am miserable.
And, to prove that I enjoy punishment, I am going to do it once a month until the wedding.
Yesterday, I could only eat fruit and drink water.
Today, I can only eat veggies, one baked potato, and drink water.
And...Ty got Taco Bell for lunch.  Ugh. And then he warmed up the leftover Rib-eye and ate that.  Pure torture.
If I don't lose at least 5 pounds, I am going to go crazy. Seriously, and totally crazy. 
Second of all, I went to go see my mom yesterday.  Shouldn't have been a big deal. I was just dropping off some new clothes for her and hanging out for a few minutes.
She was crying when I got there. 
Really crying.
And she didn't know why.
And throughout the whole visit, she would randomly break into tears.
I kept trying to figure out what was wrong, but she couldn't tell me.
It just made me sad.
I was there for this one, but what about all the times I am not there?
Definitely making more of a point to get there even more. 
In other news, tomorrow is her birthday! 
Whimzy, Angie, and I are going to see her!  Bring her presents, food, and cake.
It is going to be torture for me and Angie watching her eat.  I guess we could snack on broccoli... :/ 
I hope it cheers her up!
Wait a minute, this is a wedding blog!  Where is the wedding mention?
Well, not much has happened! 
I promise I will let everybody know when it does.
Oh, and btw, Pinterest on my phone is killing me.
Seriously, robbing me of hours of sleep and making me feel lazy because I have not made my life completely Pinterest-worthy. *sigh*

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