Thursday, November 22, 2012


So, today is Thanksgiving!
A bunch of my friends did those "whole month of thankfulness" thing.
I didn't. 
I would have forgotten a few days and looked silly ;)
So, I am going to list a few important things I am thankful for on here! 
1. First and foremost: my new life.  I was on the wrong path for a while and I am so happy that I feel like I've been heading in the right direction for a while now.
2. Second of all, Ty.  I love him so much.  I am so lucky to have such a great guy to call mine.  He is a wonderful Dad, a wonderful best friend, and an all around perfect guy. 
3.  Whimzy.  She is amazing and has inspired me to be a better person.  Not to mention, she alwasy makes me giggle and amazes me everyday.
4. My Miteks.  I am so lucky to be supported by an amazing family. I am so happy that Whimzy has a real Grandma and Papa to spoil and love her. 
5.  My new relationship with my Dad. I love that I talk to him so much and that I am able to have this chance to re-build it.
6. My friends.  Even at my lowest, they have always loved me and helped hold me up. 
7.  Noodles.  No explanation needed :)
8. My second chance to go to school.  I am loving it and I love that I finally have a chance to live up to my potential.
9. Ty's job.  He is able to support us and do something that he seems to enjoy.
10.  My upcoming wedding.
11. The fact that I am fighting my anxiety without meds.
I really could go on and on, but these seem to be the important ones!
What is everybody else thankful for?

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