Monday, November 19, 2012


First of all, I didn't cite my source for the chili-cheese dog casserole recipe:
I feel much better now!
So forever ago I saw a way to roast marshmallows without a fire that still makes them crunchy.  I cannot remember for the life of me where I saw this idea, but I decided to try it.
Put your oven on Broil setting (with mine, that means about 500 degrees)
Basically, spray a baking pan (I used a square 9x9) with cooking spray.
Put a layer of marshmallows in said baking pan.
Bake for about 5 minutes. 
Make sure you check on it constantly because it seems like it would be super easy to burn!
Then, serve with chocolate covered graham crackers! 
So gooey...yumm!
And so easy :)  Going to be perfect for cold winter nights!
How does this relate to the wedding?  Well, this is why he is marrying me ;)

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