Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween everybody!
Hoping everybody is doing something fun, or at least eating alot of candy.
Whimzy and I did Trick-Or-Treating in our neighborhood with Angie and one of her friends on Sunday, but we are still heading out to Bristol tonight for Round 2.
So excited to see everybody.  We haven't done a Bristol-family evening in awhile, plus Heidi might be coming out with her little monster.
Freakin' awesome.
Going to see my Mom before we head out to Bristol, too.  She is going to love Whimzy's costume.
Finally got the ball rolling for getting my mom transferred to a better facility.  Waiting for the call from the admissions director at the place that I used to work.  It is a smaller facility with an impeccable record for pressure sores, better food, and less hospital-like.  I am thinking she would be happier and more inclined to get out of bed at the new place.  *fingers crossed*
Last night Ty got off of work early, so he grabbed me some wine and we watched that new show "The New Normal". 
Freaking amazing.  I have not laughed that hard in a long time.
It really is heart-wrenching how some people are denied their love because of what gender the person they love is.  Love is love. 
On the wedding front:  Absolutely nothing has happened. :D
Doing alot of research on finding the cheapest way to do the stuff I want to do.
I'll be posting pictures of the piles of decor that I am going to be buying!
I don't know how people did this before the internet.
Well, time to get some cuddle time in with Whimzy before our day starts!

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