Sunday, October 21, 2012

Perfect Weekend

This was the absolute perfect weekend. 
Friday, we did family stuff all day and night. 
We went to Jerry Smith's pumpkin farm, went grocery shopping, carved pumpkins, watched movies, cuddled, had some awesome soup, and played with Whimzy.
It was a day that made me feel this soul-deep satisfaction with life.
Then, last night, we decided to do a date night.
We went and saw a movie, IN A THEATER and it didn't involve dancing penguins.  It was pretty revolutionary for us ;)
Then, we went out to the place that Ty took me for our first date, Salute's.
We sat at the bar, ate wonderful food, and the owner kept giving us shots of Sambuca.  It was wonderful.  I almost want to live there.
Afterwards we stopped at The Wave bar because of their extensive beer list for Mr. Ty. 
Finally, we ran out of natural conversation, but we weren't ready to go home.
So, we met up with friends, watched some Karoke, had some drinks, walked to another bar, and ended our night at Marina Gardens.  I love me some Eggs Benedict.
I got to spend some time with people I love, both days.
The awesomeness of having two completely perfect days that were both completely different makes me feel so lucky.
Now, next weekend we work on potty training. 
Might not be blog worthy ;)

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