Thursday, October 25, 2012


First of all, those who are worried that they haven't gotten a "Save The Date", I am sending them out mid-November with my Christmas cards :) 
l am still waiting on some addresses, so I figured I would just do it all at once.
And we designed our invites last night!  And by "we", I mean me and my awesome friend Amanda.  She is seriously a genius when it comes to this stuff. 
I am not going to post pictures, because I want everybody to be blown away by how awesome my DIY invites are when I send them out. 
We are also going to be registering soon.  Bed, Bath and Beyond and Target!!  It is almost difficult thinking of things to register for because we have already lived together for a few years, but I am thinking that a few things could use an upgrade.
Also, I bought about $50 worth of decorative tulle that was 50% off at Hobby Lobby this week.  My wedding is going to be so COLORFUL and GLITTERY!
Epic!!  This should be enough for the head table and the arch.

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