Saturday, October 13, 2012

Miss Suzy Homemaker

We were supposed to go to a Halloween party tonight.
And the pumpkin farm before that.
We aren't :(
Ty and Whimzy are both feeling under the weather.
So, we are resting.
Well, they are resting.
I am doing housework and laundry.
Does laundry count as housework?
I always seem to put it in a different category.
On the upside, Ty bought me a camera yesterday!
Finally, a really nice camera. 
One that doesn't fit in my pocket, so there is way less of a chance that I will break it :)
Plus, we got the accidental handling protection plan, just in case. 
Feeling very domesticated and boring today.
I'm okay with that, though.  Sometimes, boring is good. 
Hope everybody has a wonderful weekend!

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