Saturday, October 13, 2012

Finding The Mail Key

We couldn't find the mail key.
I specifically remembered putting on the counter, where I always put it.
So, I went to go check the mail and it is gone.
We tore apart the kitchen, moved furniture, tore things apart.
No key.
We figured it was a loss.  When Whimzy hides something, we normall don't find it for months.
Ask me about my one camera a few months ago...
So, after pretty much giving up, I decided that I really needed to check the mail.
Stressed myself out for no apparent reason that I NEEDED that key.
It was in her piggy bank. 
There is normally some loose change in the same area as the key and since she gets all loose change except for quarters for her piggy bank, she took it all and put in her giant crayon.
So, the key is found.
Guess what was in the mail?
A video game magazine. 
Freakin' A.
All that for pretty much nothing.
Time for a bath and a drink.

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