Sunday, October 21, 2012


I know, two blogs, one day.  I obviously have no life.
I just was surfing Pinterest for wedding stuff, and I realized that in my blog earlier I really forgot to mention the best part of my weekend.
I mean, yeah, I obviously mentioned that he participated, but it was so much more than that.
He made the weekend.
Without him, it would have not been perfect.
Last night I saw him look at me like I was perfect. 
He took me out to dinner and made me laugh.
He chased away every bad thought I ever had about life.
He danced with my best friends.
He hugged a friend of mine that was going through a tough night.
He took the time to kiss me every few minutes while we were out.
He did not argue when I said I wanted to wear heels, even if it meant that he had to walk super slow with me.
He told me when my make-up needed a touch-up.
He took some awesome pictures.
He did a beer bong out of a flamingo, like a champ.
He held Whimzy's hand, occasionally picked her up, and carried the pumpkin.
He carved the pumpkin so I didn't have to feel the slimy part.
He bought me a Sweetest Day present.
He held me and watched Doctor Who with me.
He colored with our daughter.
He knew exactly what I wanted from Taco Bell.
He hung out with my friends, and enjoyed it. 
He did dishes.
He offered, continuously, the stability that I need in my life.
He took care of me.
He loved me.
I love him.
I am going to marry him.
I am going to spend the rest of my life with him.
We are going to be taking Whimzy to Salute's when she turns 21 for Sambuca.
It was about 4 years ago that he took me to Salute's on our first date.
There are so many more years to come.
I could not be happier.

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