Sunday, October 7, 2012

Changing My Expectations

My wedding dress might not be white and it might have alot of glitter.
It might be very bright.
There is not going to be any classical music.
There is not going to be a priest.
My daughter is going to be in the wedding.
*Our daughter
No limo.
There are not going to be a ton of flowers.
My mom will not be helping me plan.
Nana will not be shoving food down everybody's throat.
Papa will not be making jokes about how tall Ty is.
Alex will not be a groom's man.
On the other hand:
I am going to want to dance down the aisle.
Angela is my maid of honor.
Uncle Joey will be walking me down the aisle, along with my Dad.
The most important people that are still in my life will be there.
My mom remembers that I am getting married on most days.
Our cake and cupcakes are going to have glitter.  Lots of glitter.
And most importantly:
Ty will be the one I am marrying.
I have conflict within myself about trying to make this wedding what I thought it would be and making it what I want now. 
I need to stop that.
What I want now is important, not what could have been.
Wedding planning is not a time to think about the things that used to be.
It is a time to be happy about the future and be happy with where your life is.
I am just so appreciative of Ty for letting me be a little bit confused sometimes and being so supportive about everything. 
Life is good.
There is no reason to dwell on the past.
My wedding is going to be perfect.
Perfect for me, now.
Not a 10-year old me.
It is perfect for us.
It will be a perfect representation of how Ty and I live our lives. 
Good food, good drinks, good people, and lots of glitter.
Bright colors, laughter, silliness, and love.
That is all that matters.

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