Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Baby Dolls, Little People, and Baby Fever

First of all, I mean the plastic toys "Little People", not actual small people.  Thinking of it the other way will make this post very confusing... ;)
In the last few months, I have gone a bit crazy with buying Whimzy Little People stuff and My Little Pony stuff as well as clothes.  I have been buying it all used, so I really did not spend that much money, but her room is sure...well...we will just say "busy".  I just got so excited that she was finally really playing with toys that I went a bit overboard and I absolutely loved it!  Granted, I hate picking up all of the pieces and she routinely mixes her Little People with her ponies, but hey, I am all for creative playing!
And as of today, she is showing interest in playing with baby dolls!  So excited!  I loved playing house when I was little and I cannot wait to play with her! Finally, something I can do that I know that I will better at with her than Ty is!  Mommy's day is coming, just you wait. 
The thing is that her room is not exactly huge.  The Little People have already taken up residence, so space is at a premium.  If she would just potty train already, that would solve the whole issue...darn it.... 
Wow, talk about first world problems...
Just so excited to move to this next stage of play with her! 
And the final idea of the day:  Baby Fever.
Yeah, I am having crazy nostalgia for baby cuddles, baby smell, and baby toes.  Not going to happen.
I can seriously not even count how many times I have heard "So, when is the next one coming?"
One isn't enough?
Where is this law that says I have to have another one?
Yes, they are adorable and I miss having a little baby, but no.
It would be financially irresponsible.
(Not that Whimzy was very well planned or was the best idea at the time, but we made it happen and are finally in a place where we can take care of her the way we want!)
Plus, I want to finish school.
The timeline looks perfect.  By the time I will be looking for a full-time job after earning my Master's, Whimzy will be in school.  Add another kid to that and it really complicates things. 
As big as the grins Ty gets when I mention a late period or that I miss having a little baby, I know.
Besides, hard enough getting a date night with just one kid...
hmm...I should write about that...maybe tomorrow...

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