Sunday, September 30, 2012

Rambles Part 1

Not sure if anybody really reads this, but I am really appreciating the outlet!  Sometimes, I just want to ramble on and on about what is going on in my head.
And it is definitely easier to write than to make somebody listen to me!
I have to get ready to go look at wedding dresses for the first time in a bit. 
Inexplicably nervous. 
Nothing to be nervous about. 
It is going to be awesome.
I am going with my family and trust them.
I am just going to blame my nerves on hormones. 
Stupid hormones.
Ty wants me to get a sexy-princess dress.  Wonder if that is a category they have at David's Bridal ;)
I used to love dressing up and buying clothes.  Since I gained the weight, not so much.  I am hoping that I don't leave the store feeling like a whale.
Guess we shall see.
See?  Rambling.
I can't help it.
Oh, and this is just part 1 because I am sure I will have more rambles.

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