Sunday, September 2, 2012

New Blog Name

So, because I want to expand what I am writing about, I changed the name of this blog.  It is now "Backwards Life: Planning A Wedding". 
It feels weird, planning my wedding this way.
It seems like an unneccessary step.
I mean, we live together, our finances are already merged, we already have a child together...
So, why would we bother spending all of this money for a wedding like we were just starting out?
We love each other, we really do. 
We want this public show of affection and confirmation that we are in this for the long haul.
We want to remember this day for as long as we can. 
We want to show off how amazing we are together.
So, now this blog is not going to be just about our wedding, it is going to be about us; Ty, Whimzy, and I. It is going to be about my feelings about everything. 
Don't personally know me?  (Ty's family, friends, etc...)
Well, here is an awesome way to get to know me.
I am going to use this as a journal.  (Within appropriate themes, of course), and I am going to document all of us.  Our crazy obsession with Sci-fi shows on BBC and the SyFy channel, our love for a certain teal colored platypus, our dreams, our jokes, and our lives. 
Hopefully, everybody enjoys our crazy awesomeness as much as I do.

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