Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Do This, And That, And That Other Thing, And Stay Sane!

So, my to-do list just keeps getting longer and longer.
Today, I had a modest list of things that needed to be done
*clean out the silverware drawer and junk drawer
*wipe down my bathroom
*do one load of laundry
*do some light tidying
Well, I got carried away and did an extra drawer as well as a few other minor things around the kitchen. 
Main problem?  My purging is causing an overfill in our coat closet of things that I am getting rid of.  I want to sell it all, or at least some of it, but I can't seem to find the time.  Seems a waste of money to just donate it, so that got added to the to-do list.  I do appreciate purging's therapeutic effects, though and refuse to end up with drawers, boxes, bags, etc. of stuff I haven't used in years.
Also, Whimzy is starting to change in her preferences and what she is capable of doing, so some re-arranging and installation of stuff is needed for her room and some things in the living room along with some more purging of her stuff!
Oh, and I am currently looking into getting my mom into a new nursing home. 
Don't forget, I took lead on a group project for school, have approximately 12 pages of notes to take (that is the pages of notes that I am taking, not the number of pages I am taking notes on), have an individual paper due soon, and have to get my stuff for the next class that starts next Tuesday...
Plus, the storage space downstairs needs to be gone through and organized.
And we can't forget:  I am planning a wedding! 
There is also a myriad of other things that need to get done and all of the stupid maintenance stuff that needs to be done on a daily-ish basis. 
(Like washing Whimzy.  Keeping her clean seems to be an impossible task lately.  Ten minutes after I give her a bath it looks like she is a wild child that was raised by very dirty monkeys.)
Side note: I felt like an adult today like crazy when I actually cleaned out my silverware drawer.
So, sorry for the vent, but my head is spinning and I am tempted to lay down and take a nap. 

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